
Monday, September 19, 2011

Lost and Found

Just recently I've had a problem with Apple iphoto. A potentially bad problem. This program is where I store all my digital photos. My photographs had been carefully stored and sorted by years, dates and events. Many of my older film photographs were digitized and stored. All my family history photos, some that were loaned and digitized and there fore very precious were all there. All our holiday photos,  from when the kids were small to our recent Canadian adventures.
You can imagine my consternation, when one morning I went to open iphoto only to find no photos. Nothing. Zilch. I panicked. They couldn't be missing. Why should they be missing. But there was the iphoto software totally empty. Not a single photograph in evidence whatsoever!
I sat and searched my Apple Mac, through all the folders and applications Not a sign of them. Now I know they have to be somewhere in the deep recesses of the system but I could not locate them. Surely Apple software, Apple, who prides themselves on their reliability couldn't have really lost them.  I knew I had most of them on a separate hard drive and all the resent holiday photos were secure on the little Acer net book.
I opened Picasa my second storage program. Phew! they were all there. So why weren't they in iphotos? I went to online forums. Mmmh so, I'm not the only one this has happened to. But there wasn't any real help retrieving  them. I could connect with an online Apple Teck. guy and pay him £36 if he was successful in retrieving them. Blanching at that, I thought, 'no, no, no, this is not going to beat me.' I figured if they were still in Picassa there had to be a way of exporting them back into iphotos. I couldn't see it though.
Eventually, after much clicking back and forth through all the options, I worked out how to do it. It was a long, laborious process that took me four really long sessions to restore iphotos back to how I want my photos stored securely. Maybe I'll use the Acer net book with Windows 7 as a second hard drive. So far Windows has never done anything so drastic.

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