
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Time Flies past.

 It's now well over a year since I last put any thoughts to these pages. As I'm going about my daily life I mentally write reams for this blog, but when sitting staring at the blank computer screen all memories of these rudimentary mental scribblings have flown from the aging grey cells. However now the urge to write has come back maybe I can keep this going once more.

A few months ago I decided to changed my ancient mobile phone that was rarely switched on let alone used, to a new smart phone. A new phone needed to be the cheapest one I could find. I mean it's hardly ever used so why pay tons of precious cash on something that sits idly in my pocket. Anyway after much research I eventually decided on a mode and a contract. Getting to grips with this little beast is quite challenging,  especially as the mobile phone companies seem to have decided that as everyone in the world today has a phone and are au fait with their use so no accompanying instruction manual is necessary. 

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

 It's taken so much frustrating valuable time clicking about the small fiddly instrument to learn about it's little inbuilt idiosyncratic ways. Some of the problem was, that after accidentally hitting the right sequence of buttons to arrive at the desired outcome I then couldn't remember how the devil I arrived at the solution. 

My next move is to search the pages of must have (really?) apps for a suitable one to turn the little  blighter into a dictaphone, then maybe I can record my absolutely brilliant  'in head blog thoughts' as they occur. Then, just  maybe, when I sit in front of  this screen the thoughts can get streamed effortfully onto the screen.

Or just maybe I'm living in 'cloud cuckoo land ' once more.

As Winter Turns to Spring

As Winter turns to Spring. Now — now, as low I stooped, thought I, I will see what this snowdrop is; As winters dark aura co...