
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Preparing for the Festive Season

Winter has definitely hit us now. Leaves are almost shed. The ones that desperately cling to the trees are the most beautiful shades of yellows, browns and oranges. The rest form a sad, damp multi colour carpet beneath the bare branches. The weather is damp and grey. Rain rain and rain is the predominate pattern at the moment. The sun has been unable to penetrate the heavy layers of cloud and mist except for the briefest of periods.

Waking through the Queensgate mall this week I have been following the progress of the arrival of the Christmas decoration.

They arrive section by section overnight. I'm quite impressed this year. They are looking really festive and beautiful. Lots of bright reds and gold to cheer the soul in this 'Credit Crunch' consumer depression. Obviously designed to cheer the customer up and encourager them to spend. This is a real festive improvement from last years understated dismal decorations

Apparently the 20 ft Christmas tree arrived in Cathedral Square this morning. I haven't seen it yet, but if the street decorations are as good as the Mall ones then the City is in for a cheerful sight to lighten the mood of the shoppers. I believe the grand switch on ceremony is due to take place sometime next week.

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