
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

White Lady

My beans are doing really well this year. I slashed out on a new packet and a different variety. They're called 'White Lady'. Last years beans were so slow to grow that we hardly managed to picked any before we flew off to Canada so by the time we returned they were well and truly over.
I started them off in plastic beer glasses I'd bought some years ago for a party. They were just the right size to grow the beans from scratch. I could then plant them out when they had reached a descent size without disturbing the roots. Beans dislike they're root being messed with! Because they were a healthy size before I planted them outside I fool the slugs and snails as they prefer the newly emerging shoots. We still had to mount a few 11pm snail hunts especially when it rained. I guess the hedgehogs and birds had quite a feast on the unfortunate snails that got lobed over the fence.

Once planted in the bean patch they quickly found the bamboo supports and twisted themselves up towards the sun.

Unlike the usual bean varieties I normally grow these have white flowers hence their name - White Lady. They're also a stringless variety. The flowers have been prolific and the bees love them so we have plenty of fruits.

These were the very first I picked and very good they were, sliced and steamed with roast lamb and new potatoes, yummy. Dave just loves these veg and cant get enough of them. The crop is so good this year I'll have plenty to freeze for the winter months.

I don't think they would win any prizes in a village or allotment show. These beans have attitude! I wonder if there is a class for bendy beans!

1 comment:

Pants said...

Message for your beans: Come to Canada!!!

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