
Sunday, October 23, 2011

To change or not to change?

That was the question....... after some deliberation I decided to change. The title of the Blog that is. Why? Well  Peterborough is affectionately know as 'the Boro' by many people and its actually right on the Western edge of the Fens. Now days we don't seem to venture far into the Fens. Most of our Fenlander relatives and friends have passed on and some like us have moved on. Very little of my blog content was actually about the Fens any way.  So I thought why not try a change of title.  
The newspapers headlines have for a couple weeks now been giving us dire warnings about expected bad weather Last week according to them we should be knee deep in snow, rain and gales. While it's been decidedly on the chilly side for a few days and we had one middle of the night frost for the main part the weather has been quite comfortable for mid Autumn. Plenty of sunny days tempered by chilly winds. Today the wind is coming up from the South through France and is a pleasant warmish blustery breeze. Suns a little Hazy but a nice Autumn day. 
Wandering round the garden I couldn't help wishing I'd taken cutting earlier from these prolific flowering  golden leafed fuchsias They all flowering away as if it was early summer. They come through the harshest of winters and give such a spectacular flower display. I must have more. 
Across on the ivy covered gazebo wasps and this hugh bumble bee were feeding away on the nectar from the insignificant flowering heads of the ivy. 
one hungry bumble bee
The wasps were taking advantage too.
Despite the sun and temperate days all around there are signs that winter is approaching and the balmy days will all to soon come to an end. The Fatsia Japonica or Castor oil plant, is quite late preparing to bloom. It's little fluffy white flowers will change into black berries to feed the birds
All the fruiting shrubs and trees around have an abundance of berries this Autumn. The tree along the walk at the rear of our garden are having their berries plundered my the noisy Magpies. The Japanese honeysuckle has flowered once and produced an abundance of shiny black berries. Unusually though it has had a second period of blooming which is just about coming to an end. Shame as the blossom has a delicious perfume.
such a shame they're inedible.
 All this year fine dry weather has followed us around. It only rained here in 'the Boro' when we were in Vancouver. In Vancouver it only rained when we were out of the City. Back home again we've had only a sprinkling of rain. The garden soil is so dry and the dryness goes down deep into the soil. Leaves that have fallen from the trees blow about waiting for me to get the rake out. I have Spring bulbs I need to plant out but the soil is just too dry and hard to work. So as much as it grieves me to say this .... Please we need some rain and a few days of it.

where's the besom broom?

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