No swimming this morning. We were expecting the roof insulators to arrive sometime this morning. The Government have been giving grants to householders in an effort to get their homes up to modern insulation standards to help save on energy costs. Our loft was badly in need of upgrading so we took it up. The last three dusty days had been spent clearing out all the last 45 years worth of accumulated junk.
This required some ruthless decision. Stuff had to go! So my trusty old car was load up to the roof and duly went to the local tip. Another load to the Charity shop. The dustbin and recycle bins were filled and the local Auctioneers called to come.
The Insulation guys came early, so early in fact we weren't even up! Well 'Himself' wasn't. They set to work and gave our roof space a extra thick layer of insulation, relagged pipes, gave the water tanks posh new overcoats, draft proofed and insulated the loft hatch.
It was all over so quickly and they were off to their next job. We carefully replaced the essential items that couldn't be junked like the suitcases and the emergency camping gas cooker. Very necessary if we have power cuts!
Job done and it was still early, and sunny. Not too many pleasant days this winter so we make the most of them when they arise. A trip out was called for.
Not surprisingly we headed for the coast and after a fish and chip lunch break in Wells Next the Sea we set off once more on the coast road around Norfolk. A brief stop at one of the 'twitchers' regular meeting places to take a look at the feeding birds and wild fowl. before arriving at our destination fro the afternoon. Sherringham.
........across the road from the Oddfellows Hall. Ooooo look, two oddfellows!
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