
Friday, June 19, 2009

The Growing Family

The older you get the faster the days seem to roll by. Sentiments echoed by many a Senior Citizen worldwide. All those years ago when our first born sprog arrived and life was a haze of feeding, changing and washing nappies etc. the thoughts of grand children and even great grand children were events so far in the future you could not imagine them ever happening. The suddenly your a great Grandma not just once but twice. Aren't great grandma's supposed to be rosy cheeked stooped old ladies in crimpline dresses and smelling of lavender or something?(probably more obnoxious) My Great grandma was.(no obnoxious smell though) I only ever remember her with fine silver hair scraped back in a bun and wearing black dresses. Oh and I forgot the fine whiskery chin. She lived to be 98 and died six weeks after our number 2 sprog arrived
So here I am with not one but two great grand children and I don't feel old enough to even have grand children! No silver hair, well yet, but I admit it's gone steely and I try not to have a whiskery chin but sometimes the odd stray one escapes my notice!

The only consolation is now my Mum's got two great great grandchildren making us a family of five generations. I must get the Family history files updated before any more children are added!

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