Another Blog? 'But it would be so boring' I exclaimed. after thinking about it I decided why not. Maybe the name of this blog will aptly describe its contents. Who knows?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
It's A Funny Old Year
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain
Is my skin colour a tan from open air swimming in the meager ration of sun we're getting or rust from all the rain we're having? Could be either!
I was manhandling a 15kg sack of dog food into the back of my car this afternoon when I stepped into a puddle only it wasn't a puddle it was an ankle deep water filled pothole in the car park. If the air wasn't already dark from the storm clouds my expletives would have turned it dark!Luckily I had a ppair of 'Crocks' post sandals on so the dirty gritty water drained straight out. Driving with wet trousers flapping about a cold wet foot wasn't too pleasant but it all dried out fairly quickly with the cars heater on full blast.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
White Lady
Once planted in the bean patch they quickly found the bamboo supports and twisted themselves up towards the sun.
Unlike the usual bean varieties I normally grow these have white flowers hence their name - White Lady. They're also a stringless variety. The flowers have been prolific and the bees love them so we have plenty of fruits.
I don't think they would win any prizes in a village or allotment show. These beans have attitude! I wonder if there is a class for bendy beans!
As Winter Turns to Spring
As Winter turns to Spring. Now — now, as low I stooped, thought I, I will see what this snowdrop is; As winters dark aura co...
The impressive looking four storied square building that stands on the corner of what was once called Mile End Road but is now called St Mar...
Yes, I know I've change the blog title. But I'm still a Fenlander at heart. This map shows that the Boro was and is right on the W...
New and Old. Fletton Quays and Historic Buildings . The derelic site on the South bank of the Nene in Peterborough is undergoing a drasti...